
Hot off the press

As an m&a specialist, we regularly encounter newsworthy issues. Whether it is about developments in the industry, in the markets in which we are or will be active, entrepreneurs we have worked with, or developments within our own firm. On this page you can read all about it. If you’re curious about news on our latest deals, take a look at our deals page.

Our added value.

Guiding you through the process of selling your business, buying a business and suggesting the right ans lies between your business considerations and your personal interests. In the process we enter intoinvestor means helping you take charge of your future. That’s why we think it’s important to know how you envision it. We want to get to know and understand you. Knowing where your ball is, we pull together as a team. We complement your knowledge with our knowledge of markets, market players, negotiations and a 15-year m&a track record, and guide you through the world behind the numbers you don’t know and where everyone wants something from you.

"We willen de ondernemer zo goed mogelijk begeleiden, zowel voor, bij en na het fusie of acquisitietraject. Daarom gaan wij elke relatie aan voor de lange termijn."

"That growing, doesn't that give you the creeps?

John Heijnen, director and founder Databyte

‘Rabobank called me then. I could start installing packages of telebanking with entrepreneurs, with farmers in the region, and that way I could distinguish myself. You were seen and you were somebody. And in retrospect, I do think that was an important driving force. Unconsciously, because at the time you don’t really think about it.’

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